For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Online

游客2023-08-21  7

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Online Education. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:


答案     Online Education
    Recent decades have seen the rapid development of teaching and learning styles. As a result, new patterns of education, including online education, have successfully entered our everyday life and gained increasing popularity among ordinary people.
    It’s no wonder that some people hold that online education will take the place of traditional education because it has obvious strong points. To start with, online education can be carried out everywhere at any time, while traditional education requires learners to attend classes. What’s more, materials of online education are in different forms from audio to video, which can be obtained conveniently, while textbooks are the leading form for traditional education. Last hut not least, online classes are available for learners to select freely, attracting those who can’t undertake a whole set of traditional classes.
    As far as I am concerned, nowadays traditional education is still the fundamental educational style. However, with further development of education and the popularity of the Internet, it is possible for online education to substitute the traditional one in the near future.

解析     第一段指出,随着教学和学习方式的发展,许多新的教育形式已经出现,作为新形式之一的网络教育逐渐盛行。
    第二段对一种观点,即有人认为网络教育会取代传统教育进行分析,从三个方面解释其原因。第一句采用了It’s no wonder that句型,表示“……是不足为奇的”。例如:He got up quite late thismorning,and it’s no wonder that he came here late.(他今天早上起得很晚,因此迟到也就不足为奇了。)
    第三段阐述自己的观点:现在传统教育仍占据主导地位,但是随着教育和网络的进一步发展,网络教育将有可能取代传统教育。末句使用了with引导的较复杂的伴随状语,并使用了“It is+a.+for sb./ do sth.”这一常用句型,使文章的结尾句亮点凸显。