Woman: I am having trouble with my job.Man:【D1】______Woman: I have been assign

游客2024-01-17  6

问题 Woman: I am having trouble with my job.
Woman: I have been assigned to work with five other people on a project, but no one seems to be working together on it.
Woman: Yes, and I don’ t know what to do about it.
Man: Is there anyone that is in charge of the team?
Man: If your group does not have a leader, then you should step up and be one.
Man: You should call everyone together for a meeting. Let them know that this project is important , and so is working as a team to get it done.
Woman: Then we can go over what is done and split up what is left.
Man: Exactly.
A. How do I do that?
B. So your group is having a problem with teamwork.
C. What is the problem?
D. No, everyone is just doing their own separate work on it. [br] 【D3】

选项 A、 

答案 D

解析 这里应是女士回答男士“项目是否有人负责”的提问,选项D是否定的回答,并进而说明大家各自为政的状况,符合情景,故选D。