As soon as any part of a person’s conduct affects prejudicially the interests of

游客2024-01-13  4

问题 As soon as any part of a person’s conduct affects prejudicially the interests of others, society has jurisdiction over it, and the question of whether the general welfare will or will not be promoted by interfering with it becomes open to discussion. If a person’s conduct does not affect prejudicially the interests of others, it should not come under the jurisdiction of society in the first place. The author in the passage above argues that

选项 A、society is independent of the actions of individuals.
B、the general welfare of a society is promoted when a person’s conduct benefits others.
C、conduct that does not infringe on the interests of others should not be under the jurisdiction of society.
D、interference with the actions of individuals does not enhance the general welfare.
E、in general, the interests of persons are mutually exclusive.

答案 C

解析 本题的问题目的等于让我们寻求段落的中心思想,因此应在着重把握段落层次结构的基础上,体会作者的写作用意. 段落第一句话前半部分表达的观点在第一句话后半部分中被表示为“open todiscussion”,而第二句中的主句“should”表明了作者的观点。(C)选项与段落第二句话完全一致,所以为正确选项;(A)中的“independent”是段落中未出现的新观点;(B)和(D)均与段落第一个句子后半部分不吻合(段落推理明确表示对这种行为的干涉是否能提高总体福利尚未形成一致的观点);(E)中的“ex—clusive”从上面段落中推不出来.