The sentence "Museum is a slippery word" in the first paragraph means that _____

游客2023-12-21  8

问题 The sentence "Museum is a slippery word" in the first paragraph means that ______. [br] Modem museums came into existence in order to ______.

选项 A、protect royal and church treasures.
B、improve existing collections.
C、stimulate public interest.
D、raise more funds.

答案 A

解析 现代博物馆的形成在文章最后一段有详细论述。17世纪时,欧洲人仇视皇室和教堂的纪念物,幸亏古文物收藏家们的转移保护,才使得大量的古代艺术品免遭浩劫。19世纪早期,欧洲各国更是纷纷兴建博物馆来收藏和保护古代文物。