In recent years, college students have more right to attend social activitie

游客2023-12-14  12

问题     In recent years, college students have more right to attend social activities, among which beauty contest becomes more and more popular. Some people consider it as a good opportunity for young people to achieve fame and wealth quickly, while some others strongly oppose it. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:
    Should College Students Attend Beauty Contest?
    In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.
    Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
    Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案             Should College Students Attend Beauty Contest?
    Truth, goodness and beauty are always things man aspires to-that’s the nature of man Beauty contest is deeply rooted in man’s yearning for beauty and there is no exception with college students. Therefore, some say it is quite natural that college students attend beauty contest to make their life  colorful  and  beautiful. Some others, however, disagree with that I am on the side of the latter attitude, namely, in my view, college students should be cautious to attend beauty contest.
    As we all know, beauty contest promotes a kind of ideal beauty, which is only possessed by a minority of college students. It adds to the pressure on all students, especially girls, to conform to it This can be very harmful to them by encouraging dieting, eating disorders and cosmetic surgery, or simply by making them feel inadequate and ugly, and thus having a relatively low self-esteem.
    Besides, as college students, the first priority is to obtain plenty of knowledge and acquire necessary skills so that they can support themselves after graduation. If a college student does wish to become part of the entertainment industry, it may be beneficial for him/her to take part in these activities, for the contests can not only broaden his/her horizon beyond books, but also strengthen his/her power of communication. But the truth is that most of college students won’t end up in working in show business. In this case, attending a beauty contest will mean nothing but distractions to their studies and disturbance to their daily life. Then what’s the good point of attending it?
    Moreover, beauty contest emphasizes too much on physical appearance. It can mislead many students, especially female students, to believe that beauty is all-powerful. Beauty means money. They pay lots of attention to putting make-up, pursuing fashion or even chasing good looks through risky plastic surgery rather than expanding knowledge, enhancing abilities and cultivating inner beauty. In my view, this is really a bad tendency.
    In a word, beauty is but skin deep; beauty contest does more harm than good. College students should really "look before they leap" when deciding whether to attend a beauty contest or not.

解析     这篇议论型作文要求考生对有关大学生是否应该参加选美比赛的问题提出自己的看法。根据题目要求,文章的结构安排如下: