Among those tanning customers, it is estimated that most of them are ______. [br

游客2023-08-01  15

问题 Among those tanning customers, it is estimated that most of them are ______. [br] Fosko pointed out that many kids get addicted to tanning because they ______.

选项 A、enjoy tanning themselves
B、want to make them look healthy
C、don’t know the risk of tanning
D、are affected a lot by their parents

答案 D

解析 由题干中的Fosko和many kids可以定位到第五段最后两句(This type of regulation has limited effect. however.) Not only is enforcement spotty,Fosko says research indicates that many kids get hooked on tanning because their parents are regular customers.[精析] 从原文中可以知道政府通过的有关日晒有年龄限制和要求父母监护等的法令,其影响有限,不仅仅是因为实施的强制性问题,很多年轻人对日晒上瘾是因为其父母喜欢日晒,很显然是受其父母影响。因此答案为D)。