[originaltext]M:Hey, Christine, remember how we were complaining that we wanted

游客2024-04-18  4

M:Hey, Christine, remember how we were complaining that we wanted to see the drama series but couldn’t afford the tickets? I’ve found a solution.
W:Yeah? Won the lottery, huh?
M:Huh-uh. But, seriously, I did find a way for us to see all the plays and we don’t have to pay a cent.
W:Come on, Jim. That’s impossible.
M:No, really, we can. I called Stanhope Theater to ask if they had student discounts. They didn’t but they did have another suggestion.
W: What’s that?
M:The man there told me they just lost four of their ushers so they have openings.
W: Really?
M:Yeah. You don’t get paid, but you do get to stand in the back and watch the play after you’ve helped everyone find their seats. No seat, but a good view. Then during intermission you help sell refreshments.
W:But Jim, each play is performed on six nights. Can we make that big a commitment?
M: We don’t have to. That’s the best part. They have enough ushers so that each person works only two nights at the same play.
W:I never imagined we’d be able to see the whole series. Let’s take a look at the schedule right now.
5. Why did Christine and Jim think they would not be able to see the drama series?
6. What did Jim learn when he called the theater?
7. At the end of their conversation, how does Christine feel about Jim’s solution?

选项 A、She doubts it will work.
B、She thinks they don’t have enough time.
C、She’s enthusiastic about it.
D、She’s happy to get so much money.

答案 C

解析 在对话的最后,Christine说她从来没有想到能够看全部的戏剧,并提议现在就来看看时间表。可见,她对Jim提供的解决方案非常满意而且态度积极,因此选C。