[originaltext]M: How many students passed the College English Test last term?W

游客2024-03-03  3

M: How many students passed the College English Test last term?
W: Well, let me see. 1016 students took the exam, but half of them failed.
Q: How many students did the woman believe had passed the exam?
M: You don’t look a day over thirty.
W: Really? In fact, I’m thirty-five.
Q: How does the woman feel about the man’s remark?

选项 A、She’s rather happy to hear so.
B、She’s disappointed to hear so.
C、She’s unhappy to hear so.
D、She’s surprised to hear so.

答案 A

解析 综合推断题,男士说女士看上去不到30岁,女士回答说:“真的吗?事实上我已经35岁了”由此推断, 35岁的女士在听到别人说她看起来不到30时,肯定会很高兴,所以A正确