[originaltext]W: Hello, Mr. Johnson! I am calling about the car you advertised.

游客2024-03-03  5

W: Hello, Mr. Johnson! I am calling about the car you advertised. Can you tell me something about it? M: It’s my wife’s car and she’s the one who put the ad in the paper. But I’ll try. She isn’t here right now.
Q: What is the man trying to do?
W: It’s five o’clock already and I haven’t finished typing this report.
M: Don’t worry. The clock is half an hour fast. You still have enough time to finish it.
Q: When does this conversation take place?

选项 A、At 5:00.
B、At 5:30.
C、At 4:30.
D、At 4:00.

答案 C

解析 根据选项,对话的内容与时间相关,对话中先提到5点,又说表快了半个小时,因此对话发生的时间应该是4点半,所以正确答案为C