The chief purpose of the recent punishment measures proposed by NCAA is to _____

游客2024-02-19  6

问题 The chief purpose of the recent punishment measures proposed by NCAA is to ______. [br] According to the passage, advocates think that the plan will ______.

选项 A、receive warm welcome because it is well-intentioned
B、make schools and athletes compromise in the end
C、be less productive than it has been designed
D、involve too much paperwork and changes

答案 C

解析 由题干中的advocates think that the plan定位到原文第二段首句Even supporters of the plan,however,worry that it will prove impractical, ... weakened by compromise and will ultimately generate more paperwork than real change.[精析] 推理判断题[考频:66]。该句说,就连计划的支持者都担心计划会缺乏成效,并说这种计划的主要特点是:很好的初衷,但是被各种妥协冲淡;而且最终会产生很多表面工作而不是实质性改变。由此可以椎知,支持者们认为这一计划不会如预期得那样有成效。故C)“将不会如当初策划得那样有效”为正确答案。[避错] A)“将因其良好目的而被热烈欢迎”与原文“很好的初衷,但是被各种妥协冲淡”含义相悖,故排除,原文指出最终结果是“产生很多表面工作而不是实质性改变”,故D)“将最终导致学校和运动员的妥协”与之不符,排除;原文只是提及“更多的学校提供虚假的课程或者经删减的课程”,并未提及考试的增减,故排除D)“将会包括太多的考试和变化”。