[originaltext]W: Do you know anyone who can translate this document?M: What ab

游客2024-02-16  3

W: Do you know anyone who can translate this document?
M: What about the new secretary? I heard he’s bilingual.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Did you see this article on the exhibit of eighteenth-century prints that opened today?
W: Yes, and I’ve already bought a ticket to see it next month.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She’s ready to exhibit her artwork.
B、She’s planning to go to the exhibit.
C、She wants to see the man’s prints.
D、She expects to publish an article next month.

答案 B

解析 这也是四级听力题中常常考到的判断说话者将要做什么或正在做什么的题型。解答的关键还是在于把握对话中出现的动词词组,“already bought a ticket”意思是“已经买了一张票”,因而可以判断W打算去看这场关于18世纪版画的展览。