[originaltext]M: Could you remind me when we get to Buckingham Palace, please?

游客2024-02-15  2

M: Could you remind me when we get to Buckingham Palace, please?
W: Sure, no problem! Now we’re at Oxford Street, and we can get there after 30 minutes.
Q: Where is the man heading for?
M: I’m going to book a train ticket 10 days in advance because it happens to be Spring Festival.
W: Don’t worry. There will be extra trains added to the original schedule.
Q: What does the woman imply?

选项 A、There would be some problems for the man to secure a ticket.
B、There would be no problem for the man to secure a ticket.
C、There might be some extra tickets available for the man.
D、The man should book the ticket even earlier.

答案 B

解析 综合推断题。男士要预定10天后的火车票,因为春节快到了。女士让男士不用担心,因为到时候会有加车,言外之意是男士肯定会买到票,所以B正确。