[originaltext]M: Mr. Smith is talking about getting a dog from one of his frien

游客2024-02-15  8

M: Mr. Smith is talking about getting a dog from one of his friends.
W: Yeah. I hear his apartment building is about to remove the ban on pets.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、Animals will soon be allowed in Mr. Smith’s building.
B、Mr. Smith is allergic to dogs.
C、She also plans to get a pet.
D、Mr. Smith will get a lift to his apartment from a friend.

答案 A

解析 本题关键在于to remove the ban on pets。在得知了Mr. Smith要养狗之后,女士说她听说Mr. Smith所在的公寓要撤销对养宠物的限制了。故选A)项。