[originaltext]M:What was it like working with those young stars?W:It was a gre

游客2024-02-12  4

M:What was it like working with those young stars?
W:It was a great group,I always got mad when people said that we didn’t get along,just because we’re girls,there was never a fight.We had a great time.
Q:What does the woman mean?
M: Are you telling me you don’t have a housekeeper?
W: No, we don’t. If you make a mess, you clean it up yourself.
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?

选项 A、The woman does her own housework.
B、The woman needs a housekeeper.
C、The woman’s house is in a mess.
D、The woman works as a housekeeper.

答案 A

解析 对话中男士询问女士说“你说你没有用家政工?”,女士则回答说没有请家政工,弄乱了自己收拾,言下之意说从来都是自己收拾而不需要请人帮忙,故而可以推测出正确答案。对话中make a mess意思为“弄乱,弄得一团糟”。