In today’s world, online social media has become more powerful and the most

游客2024-01-30  6

问题     In today’s world, online social media has become more powerful and the most destructive thing over worldwide. Although with time all generations have come to embrace the changes social network has brought about, teenagers and young adults are the most fanatic users of these sites. According to various research studies in the field of online social networks, it has been revealed that these sites are impacting the lives of the youth greatly. When using these sites such as Twitter, Facebook or Myspace, there are both positive and negative effects on the youth.
    Firstly, social media helps the youth and any other user updated with what is happening around the world, and helps the teenagers stay connected and interact with each other even if they are many miles apart. This strengthens their relationship. Even if they finished school and moved to different locations, they stay connected and update one another.
    In addition, social media sites have provided a platform whereby the youth can create groups and pages based on their common discipline and end up building connections and opportunities for their respective careers by updating various topics to discuss. Youth who have been interviewed say that social media has become their lifestyle and it makes their lives easier and more efficient.
    While on the one hand social network sites seem to bring people together and stay connected, on the other hand it causes many physical and mental health problems such as eyes infection, back problems, etc. Other negative effects of social networking various people suggested included encouraging poor spelling and grammar, exposing underage to online predators (捕食者), allowing spread of misinformation that is seen as fact, decreasing productivity as those who are supposed to be working spend time in the sites to chat, providing a perfect platform for cyberbullying and providing details that increase risks of identity theft.
    "The more social media we have, the more we think we’re connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other."
    In conclusion, social networking clearly portrays both positive and negative effects on the youth. It is the decision of individuals whether to use it in a right way or wrong. [br] What is young people’s purpose in adopting the platform offered by social media sites?

选项 A、To improve their academic performance.
B、To lay the foundation for their future careers.
C、To practice their debate skills.
D、To change their way of living.

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。由定位句可推断,年轻人使用社交媒体网站提供的平台目的之一是为他们各自的事业建立关系网和创造机会,也就是说,为他们未来的职业生涯打基础,故答案为B)。A)“为了提高他们的学业成绩”和C)“为了锻炼他们的辩论能力”,原文并未谈及年轻人使用这些平台的目的与学业成绩和辩论能力有关,故均排除;D)“为了改变他们的生活方式”,由该段第二句可知,改变他们的生活方式是社交媒体造成的结果,并非他们使用这些平台的目的,故排除。