[originaltext]W: Good morning, Mr. Lee. May I have a minute of your time?M: Su

游客2024-01-23  8

W: Good morning, Mr. Lee. May I have a minute of your time?
M: Sure, Catherine. What can I do for you?
W: (12) I’m quite anxious about transferring over to your college. I’m afraid I won’t fit in.
M: Don’t worry, Catherine. It’s completely normal for you to be nervous about transferring schools. This happens to many transfer students.
W: Yes, I know. But I’m younger than most of the students in my year, and that worries me a lot.
M: Well, you may be the only younger one in your year, but you know, (13) we have a lot of after-school activities you can join in. And so, this way, you’ll be able to meet new friends of different age groups.
W: That’s nice. I love games and hobby groups.
M: I’m sure you do. So you’ll be just fine. Don’t worry so much and try to make the most of what we have on offer here. (14) Also, remember that you can come to me anytime of the day if you need help.
W: Thanks so much. I definitely feel better now. As a matter of fact, I’ve already contacted one of the girls who’d be living in the same house with me and she seemed really nice. I guess living on campus, I’ll have a chance to have a closer circle of friends since we’ll be living together.
M: All students are very friendly with new arrivals. Let me check who would be living with you in your flat. Okay. There are Hannah, Kelly and Bree. (15) Bree is also a new student here like you. I’m sure you two will have more to share with each other.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. Why does Catherine feel anxious?
13. What does Mr. Lee encourage Catherine to do?
14. What does Mr. Lee promise to do for Catherine?
15. What do we learn about Catherine’s schoolmate Bree?

选项 A、Give her help whenever she needs it.
B、Accept her as a transfer student.
C、Find her accommodation on campus.
D、Introduce her to her roommates.

答案 A

解析 浏览四个选项,从选项中的give her help,accept,find,introduce等词可推测,此题与帮助某人做的事情有关。题干问的是李先生答应为凯瑟琳做什么。对话后半部分男士提到,如果女士需要任何帮助,可以随时来找他,故答案为A。B项(接受她这位转学生)和C项(在校园里为她找到住宿的地方)对话中均未提及,故排除。对话最后提到,男士帮女士查了一下她的室友都有谁,但并没有说要把女士介绍给她的室友,D项(把她介绍给她的室友)与对话内容不符,故排除。