[originaltext]Have you ever felt like you would do just about anything to satis

游客2024-01-23  8

Have you ever felt like you would do just about anything to satisfy your hunger? (16) A new study in mice may help to explain why hunger can feel like such a powerful motivating force. In the study, researchers found that hunger outweighed other physical drives, including fear,thirst and social needs.
To determine which feeling won out, the researchers did a series of experiments. In one experiment, the mice were both hungry and thirsty. When given the choice of either eating food or drinking water, the mice went for the food, the researchers found. However, when the mice were well-fed but thirsty, they opted to drink, according to the study. In the second experiment meant to pit the mice’s hunger against their fear. Hungry mice were placed in a cage that had certain fox-scented areas and other places that smelled safer (in other words, not like an animal that could eat them) but also had food. (17) It turned out that when the mice were hungry, they ventured into the unsafe areas for food. But when the mice were well-fed they stayed in areas of the cage that were considered safe. Hunger also outweighed the mice’s social needs, the researchers found. (18) Mice are usually social animals and prefer to be in the company of other mice, according to the study. When the mice were hungry, they opted to leave the company of other mice to go get food.
Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.
16. What is the researchers’ purpose in carrying out the series of experiments with mice?
17. In what circumstances do mice venture into unsafe areas?
18. What is said about mice at the end of the passage?

选项 A、To investigate how being overweight impacts on health.
B、To find out which physical drive is the most powerful.
C、To discover what most mice like to eat.
D、To determine what feelings mice have.

答案 B

解析 浏览四个选项,从选项中的to investigate,to find out,to discover,to determine等词可推测,此题与研究的目的有关。题干问的是研究人员用老鼠做一系列实验的目的是什么。短文开头提到,一项以老鼠为对象的研究可能会帮助解释为什么饥饿会成为一种如此强大的驱动力;在这项研究中,研究人员发现,与恐惧、口渴、社会需求相比,饥饿是最强大的生理驱动力;为了证明这一点,研究人员做了一系列实验。由此可知,研究人员的目的是找出哪一种生理驱动力是最强大的,故答案为B。A项(调查肥胖是如何影响健康的)、C项(找出大多数老鼠喜欢吃什么)和D项(确定老鼠有什么感觉)短文均未提及,故排除。