The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to______what he was

游客2024-01-16  35

问题 The teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to______what he was saying.

选项 A、take in
B、take out
C、take up
D、take over

答案 A

解析 本题考查take动词短语的用法。take in,理解,领会,如:The students found it easy to take in what their teacher had taught(学生们发现老师讲的东西很容易领会)。因此A最符合题意。take out,拿出,取出,如:Please take out a piece of paper;let’s have a dictation(请拿出一张纸来,我们开始听写)。take up,占据(时间、空间),如:This bookcase take up too much room(这个书架占了太多的空间)。take over,承担,接管,如:He will take over his father’s business(他将接替他父亲的事业)。