A campus shuttle has 20 double seats in each of 2 rows. Two people can sit in ea

游客2024-01-12  12

问题 A campus shuttle has 20 double seats in each of 2 rows. Two people can sit in each double seat. If an empty shuttle starts out and makes two stops, picking up three times the number of people at the first stop as at the second stop, and if the shuttle is then filled to its seating capacity, how many people got on the shuttle at the second stop?

选项 A、5

答案 C

解析 班车上一共两排座位,每行20个座位,那么一共有2×20=40个座位,每个座位里可以坐两个人,则班车满员是2×40=80人。倍数表达“picking up three times the number of students at the second stop as at the first stop”说明了两个车站上车人数关系。参与比较的第一个数量是“the number of people at the first stop”,将其设为A;第二个数量是“(the number of people)at the second stop”,将其设为B。这句话中没有出现“more than”和“less than”来表示不等式关系,则符号是“=”。倍数是3倍,写在“=”的后面。则这个倍数表达对应的表达式为:A=3B。又因为两站上车的人数正好等于额定人数,所以A+B=80。所以得到:A=60,B=20。则第二站有20个学生上车,选择C选项。