Mechanisms develop whereby every successful species can______its innate capacity

游客2024-01-11  6

问题 Mechanisms develop whereby every successful species can______its innate capacity for population growth with the constraints that arise through its interactions with the natural environment.


答案 E

解析 A quick overview of the sentence indicates that the blank should be filled with a verb that indicates what a successful species does with its "innate capacity for population growth" in the face of certain constraints on that growth. This analysis suggests that the correct answer will have something to do with adjusting that capacity in the face of these constraints. Of the choices given, "reconcile" is closest to that meaning. None of the other options make for a meaningful, coherent sentence. "Enhance," for example, may fit nicely with "its innate capacity," but it does not make sense with "constraints." Thus, the correct answer is reconcile(Choice E).