Classify the following descriptions as referring toA PRT only B RUF only C both

游客2024-01-08  2

问题 Classify the following descriptions as referring to
A PRT only B RUF only C both PRT and RUF
Write the correct letter, A, B, or C in boxes 7-12 on your answer sheet. [br] It can run at high speed in cities.


答案 C

解析 原文当中明显提及了PRT和RUF都具有快速的特点,例如原文第四段“(PRT)withno traffic fights,pedestrians or parked cars to slow things down,PRT guideways can carryfar more traffic,nonstop,than any inner city road”和原文倒数第四段和倒数第三段内容“the RUF vehicle--the term comes from a Danish saying meaning to‘go fast’”和“Builda fast network of guideways in a busy city centre…”。所以正确答案为C。