Answer the questions below.Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for

游客2024-01-07  10

问题 Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes on your answer sheet. [br] What activities were more and more regarded as preferable to almost all children in the 19th century?


答案 play and education

解析 在19世纪,什么活动越来越受到几乎所有孩子的偏爱?该题定位词不明显,需要通过理解上下文的意思来判断。依据顺序原则,继上一题往下读,发现文中提到让儿童工作使其成为“有用的”人已不再是优先选择,反倒童年被认为是儿童玩耍和学习的时期,这一说法针对所有儿童,不再是少数人的特权。因此,本题的答案为play and education。