Choose THREE letters, A-F. Write the correct letters in boxes on your an

游客2024-01-07  12

问题     Choose THREE letters, A-F.
    Write the correct letters in boxes on your answer sheet. The list below includes characteristics of the ’qualitative research’. Which THREE are mentioned by the writer of the passage?
    A. Coding behaviour in terms of a predefined set of categories
    B. Designing an interview as an easy conversation
    C. Working with well-organised data in a closed set of analytical categories
    D. Full of details instead of loads of data in questionnaires
    E. Asking to give open-ended answers in questionnaires
    F. Recording the researching situation and applying note-taking [br]


答案 D

解析 D选项在问卷中包含大量的细节而不是大量的数据。关键词questionnaires、full of details。第1句提到定性研究集中研究教育现象的本质,而非检验假设。对比各选项,没有对应信息。第2句提到定性研究会处理“非结构化数据”,在数据收集的过程中不对分析类别进行编码。继续往下读,提到研究者在观察时使用音频或视频设备记录受试者的行为或详细写出开放式字段注释,而不是根据预先确定的类别对数据进行编码。对比各选项,发现D选项符合前半句的意思,而A选项刚好是后半句的相反意思。因此,D为正确选项,排除A选项。