Choose TWO letters, A-E.Which TWO topics do people most frequently ask about?A

游客2024-01-05  11

问题 Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO topics do people most frequently ask about?
A the ideal temperature setting on the thermostat
B whether to leave the light on or not
C whether to use a computer or laptop to watch movies
D how to work out the operating cost of appliances
E whether solar panels only work on sunny days [br]


答案 C

解析 定位句是“One of the most commonly asked questions this week was which device is the lowest energy option for watching films.”和“…a number of you wanted to know what the most efficient temperature is to set the thermostat to.”,定位句中有提示词ask,本题重点考查对文章内容的把握,容易知答案为A、C。