Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Pacific Tapa Cloth [br] Large pieces of ta

游客2024-01-05  8

问题 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Pacific Tapa Cloth [br] Large pieces of tapa are made from smaller pieces which are
Tutor: Come in, Helen, what can I do for you?
Helen: Well, I’m doing research for the anthropology project. And I was hoping to ask for some help for a few details.
Tutor: Sure. I remember you opted for Pacific tapa cloth as the topic, didn’t you? What do you figure out so far?
Helen: Well, I was going to introduce my project by stating that tapa cloth is fibre made from bark, just the out layer of the trees, which particularly universal among the Pacific Islands, but not exclusive to them. Actually, people in other parts of the world have also produced high-quality cloth from bark. But what set pacific tapa apart is the incredible variety role it’s played in this region.
Tutor: Nice! So what about raw materials that are used in the production?
Helen: Well, tapa cloth is made from many species of tree. In the Pacific, the paper mulberry tree is most common, but it doesn’t thrive in all conditions. In fact, it wasn’t discovered in the islands at first, but was carried in canoes by the first migrants. Tapa is also made from the breadfruit tree, which is a more convenient way, because its fruit is the staple food. The paper mulberry tree is only grown for tapa making mills.
Tutor: Yes, that’s right. Then how about the Maori people here in New Zealand?
Helen: While at present the Maori don’t produce tapa.
Tutor: Yeah, but I suggest you should take it into account. We know that when Maori migrated here from other pacific islands, they were ready to produce tapa because they took the paper mulberry tree with them. The thing was after they’d been in New Zealand a bit, they found the flax plant is superior to tapa, because it makes stronger fabric. By the time Europeans arrived in the 18th century, Mao were producing all their fabric from flax rather than the tapa and had been for some time.
Helen: OK. So in terms of the production process itself, first the inner bark is beaten with wooden hammer to soften the fibres; then the various pieces are glued together using adhesive paste made from the aloe root tuber, which is the only way to fabricate large pieces of cloth because bark strings are too fine to be woven together and stitch isn’t strong enough.

选项 A、stuck together.
B、woven together.
C、sewn together.

答案 A

解析 定位句为“…then the various pieces are glued together using adhesive paste made from the aloe root tube,which is the only way to fabricate large pieces of cloth because bark strings are too fine to be woven together and stitch isn’t strong enough.”。根据定位句中的glued,adhesive paste等词,可知同义替换为选项A中的stuck,因此正确答案为A选项。注意表达too…to…表示否定,所以too fine to be woven可排除B选项;又根据stitch isn’t strong enough,可排除C选项。