You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about i

游客2024-01-02  6

问题 You will now listen to a conversation. You will then be asked a question about it. After you hear the question, you will have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.
Question: The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the man’s problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.
W: Hello Stan. What’s going on here.. .a little accident?
M: Well, I just fell and broke my roommate’s lamp.
W: That’s terrible! Just watch out when you walk through.
M: Thanks! It really is broken. But what can I do? My roommate will be angry when he sees it.
W: Why not just go over to that big shopping center? I’m sure they have one like it.
M: I would. But this is a good lamp. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t afford one like it.
W: Well, you need light in here. Just go buy a cheaper one you can afford.
M: Yeah I could. But my roommate will be pretty angry when he saw it. He’d know his was broken.
W: So what are you going to do?
M: I really don’t know...


答案 In the conversation, the student faces a problem that he just broke an expensive lamp that belongs to his roommate.
There are two solutions. He could either replace the lamp with a new one like it or at least buy a cheap one to fix the current situation.
Clearly, if the man does not have the money for an expensive lamp, he could simply buy a cheap lamp. And the problem will be solved if his roommate accepts the cheaper one as compensation. However, if his roommate doesn’t like the cheaper lamp, then he can begin saving up money to actually replace the good one he broke. This way, any anger on his roommate’s part is avoided. Anyway, he has a duty to fix the damage, even if he cannot do so at once.

解析     考生的重点是学生遇到的困难跟解决的途径。这道题是解决Gary打破了室友的灯,如何补救的问题。重点在于如何fix the problem,原因不是重点。开头段可简单介绍原因,“The student faces a problem that he just broke an expensive lamp that belongs to his roommate.”但是“he cannot afford a new similar one.”