The conscripts, apart from idle, homesick, afraid, uninterested, hot, swearing,

游客2023-12-31  11

问题 The conscripts, apart from idle, homesick, afraid, uninterested, hot, swearing, bored and unsatisfied, were in better conditions.

选项 A、apart from to be
B、apart from to have been
C、apart from being
D、apart from having been

答案 C

解析    (1)画线部分错误分析。
   apart from为介词词组,其后接名词、动名词、代词等,但是不能接形容词;即便要接形容词,需在形容词之间加being,因此画线部分错误。
   考虑到介词词组的一般搭配原则,选项A和B应直接排除;选项C与D的搭配正确,但是主要差别在于being与having been上,从上下文来看,并没有任何语境提示那些入伍者一直处于那些不佳的状态,因此C为最佳选项。