More insurers are limiting the sale of property insurance in coastal areas and o

游客2023-12-31  11

问题 More insurers are limiting the sale of property insurance in coastal areas and other regions________natural disasters.

选项 A、safe from
B、apart from
C、prone to
D、according to

答案 C

解析 本题考点是语义推理。本句句式为主谓宾结构,宾语the sale of property insurance由介词短语in…限定,其中,coastal areas和other regions是并列宾语,它们同时受——natural disasters的修饰,就语义而言,应该是指海滨地区易受自然灾害的影响。A选项safe from意为“免于,没有……的危险”;B选项apart:from意为“除此之外”;C选项prone to意为“倾向于,易受……的影响”;D选项according to意为“根据”。故C选项符合句意。本句大意为:越来越多的保险公司正在限制沿海地区及其他易受自然灾害影响的地区的财险销售额度。