Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s great to be back in Beijing again to further

游客2023-12-30  6

问题     Ladies and Gentlemen,
    It’s great to be back in Beijing again to further the Canada-China relationship.
    When we examine Canada-China relations, it is always easy to dwell on trade statistics and business trends as the barometer of our relationship.
    Economists and statisticians have endlessly measured and quantified the robust trade that is evolving. But a close, durable relationship is not driven by commerce alone. It’s driven by people, and the relationships that bind people together, bind them into long-lasting and virtually unbreakable webs of family, friends and associates.
    Close to one million people in Canada are of Chinese descent. They have made, and continue to make, a dramatic and lasting contribution to the fabric of Canadian life. Their presence and cosmopolitan imprint on cities like Toronto and Vancouver has been profound. And they form a permanent and critical "human bridge" between China and Canada. Chinese languages are now the third most widely spoken in the country, after our official languages, English and French.
    Human links have also helped drive our political relationship over many years. Canada was among the first Western countries to establish diplomatic relations with China.   We were an early and active supporter of China’s accession to the World Trade Organization. We have encouraged and supported China’s strategy of liberalizing the economy, introducing market reforms, expanding economic freedoms and opening to the outside world. It’s been a massive national undertaking with far-reaching results. It brought China from a closed economy, near collapse, to one that is a fully integrated, highly competitive leader in today’s world of global commerce. From a recipient of World Bank assistance, China has become a proud donor. Most astonishing, this transformation has been under way for less than 25 years. It has occurred in a single generation. I was in mid-career when it all began, and I’m not done yet!
    Through it all, Canada and China have worked as partners. We’re partners in Pacific Rim affairs through APEC. We’re partners through thousands of daily interactions between our businesses and investors, here and in North America. And we are partners through ongoing cross-cultural and athletic initiatives between our two countries.
    We’re also partners in many areas critical to international health and security. Health cooperation is a good example. Chinese and Canadian officials will work together to address issues such as food, drug and product safety. And we are working together to establish cooperative approaches to the early detection and containment of infectious diseases.
    A close look reveals two sovereign and friendly countries — two complementary economies, each on its own distinct path, both locked on upward trajectories. As I said earlier, China is now a top economic performer in the new global economy. In fact, China has come to symbolize the new era in world trade and commerce.
    China has been a remarkable part of world history for thousands of years — in science, in mathematics, in literature and in the constant churn and evolution of civilization. Once again, China is playing an important role in reshaping the world economic and political order. Probably for the first time in history, there exists the scientific, technological and economic capability to substantially reduce poverty, disease and suffering in the world. When you see what China has accomplished in a few short decades, you begin to realize how much progress is within reach, here in China and in virtually every country on Earth.
    Canada and China, two very different countries on very different trajectories, can be part of an unprecedented improvement in the living conditions of hundreds of millions of people. Our deep historical roots, our many shared values, the "human bridge" that links our two nations, and our mutual economic interests should deepen our partnership. The result should be even greater economic, social and political progress in the years ahead. Together, China and Canada can make the world a better, safer and more hospitable place. We can do it in our homelands, and we can be a fundamental force for progress, peace and security in a wider world.
    Like the Great Wall, it will require us to lay one stone at a time. We will need patience and perseverance. We will need many friends and partners — like the people in this room. And we must ensure that actions, positive actions, trump words and rhetoric.     The future is ours to shape. Tomorrow’s history is not random and it is not determined by fate alone. Tomorrow’s history is given shape and form by the leadership, the vision and the actions of today.
    Let’s work together and shape a history we can all be proud of. Let there be no regrets.


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