Today I’d like to say something about good sportsmanship. In my opinion, goo

游客2023-12-30  6

问题     Today I’d like to say something about good sportsmanship. In my opinion, good sportsmanship is about respecting your opponent, your teammates, your coach and yourself. On or off the field, practice or competition, no matter what the sport, it is very important to practice good sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship includes both small gestures and heroic efforts. It starts with something as simple as shaking hands with opponents before a game and acknowledging good plays made by others. Displaying good sportsmanship isn’t always easy: It can be tough to congratulate the opposing team after losing a close or important game. But the athletes who learn how to do it will benefit in many ways. Athletes who practice good sportsmanship are likely to carry the respect and appreciation of other people into every other aspect of life.
    It’s been 10 years since I first did gymnastics and I believe that I have always practiced good sportsmanship. Gymnastics is a sport where you compete individually as well as a team. Whether it is in the gym or at a competition, my teammates and I show great respect for each other as well as other competitors. I respect my coaches, past and present for they have provided me with the training and encouragement that I needed. At times I have thought they were working us extremely hard, but it was always for our benefit. My family has played a huge role in the process by encouraging and believing in me. They have supported me every step of the way by taking on the role of chauffeur to numerous practices and fan at countless competitions.
    Good sportsmanship is like learning a gymnastics routine. Each year you build on skills learned the prior year and like an old routine, you never forget about good sportsmanship. You have to respect the rules of competition and not focus on the outcome, but just do your best. If you win, that’s great. If another person does, you need to be happy for them and look forward to the next competition. About two years ago, I was training extremely hard for an upcoming competition. After countless hours of training, I walked into the meet with a feeling of confidence and pride in my routines. To my dismay, at the completion of the competition I was standing on the 2nd place podium looking up at the 1st place all around champion. Though I was disappointed, the importance of good sportsmanship presented itself, and I stepped over to hug and congratulate the winner.
    The sport of gymnastics has taught me so many things that I will never forget. Gymnastics teaches determination, confidence and sportsmanship. The relationships I have built with teammates and competitors have given me many memories that will last a lifetime.


答案     今天我想谈谈良好的体育道德。在我看来,良好的体育道德体现在对你的对手、你的队友、你的教练和你本人的尊敬。不管在运动场上还是运动场下,不管是在练习还是比赛中,不管是何种运动项目,体现良好的体育道德都是非常重要的。良好的体育道德既包括小的动作也包括英雄般的壮举。它从很简单的事情开始,如赛前与对手握手、认可他人的良好发挥等等。展现良好的体育道德并不总是一件易事:在输掉一场比分相近或十分重要的比赛之后去祝贺对手可能会很困难。但运动员若是学会这一点的话,将会在很多方面受益。具有良好体育道德的运动员可能会在生活的各个方面体会到他人的尊重和欣赏。
