Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at

游客2023-12-30  11

问题 Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese. Start interpreting at the signal and stop at the signal. You may take notes while you are listening. You will hear the passage only once. Now, let’s begin.
Plastic bags are very popular with both retailers and consumers because they are cheap, strong, lightweight, as well as a hygienic means of carrying food and goods. But even though they are one of the modern conveniences that we seem to be unable to do without, they are responsible for causing pollution, killing wildlife, and using up the precious resources of the earth.
Billions of single-use plastic bags are given out for free each day all over the world. But, as the old saying goes, nothing comes for free. Here are some facts to illustrate the high costs paid by our environment and society for the unlimited and free use of plastic bags. To see the real costs, we must look at the multiple impacts and the effects of each phase of a plastic bag’s life.
For phase one, we look at the production cost. The production of plastic bags requires oil and often natural gas, both are nonrenewable resources. Oil is vital for our modern way of life. Without viable alternative sources of energy yet on the horizon, if the supply of oil were to be turned off, it would lead to, practically, the entire world grinding to a halt. And to make plastic, about 100 million barrels of oil are needed every year around the world. Additionally, prospecting and drilling for these resources contribute to the destruction of fragile ecosystems around the world.
In the second phase, there are consumption costs. When retailers give away free bags, their costs are passed on to consumers in the form of higher prices. In the U. S. alone, for example, annual cost on plastic bags to retailers is estimated at US$4 billion. When one considers the economies and populations of the whole world, including China and India, for example, the number can be staggering.
Finally, the problem is disposal and litter costs. Once plastic bags become litter, they find their way into our waterways, parks, beaches, and streets. Hundreds of thousands of sea-turtles, whales and other marine mammals die every year from eating discarded plastic bags mistaken for food. On land, many cows, goats and other animals suffer a similar fate. And, if plastic bags are burned, they fill the air with toxic fumes. So, they create a major environmental problem. Such "white pollution" will affect not only our generation, but many future generations to come.
So, what can be done? Well, if we have the will, we can start reducing their use in small ways. Try to use alternatives to plastic whenever and wherever possible. A paper or cloth bag can make a good substitute for holding the shopping. While governments should be working out ways to lessen the impact of plastic bags on the environment, each of us should also shoulder some of the responsibility for this problem.


答案     塑料袋很受零售商和消费者的欢迎,因为用塑料袋装食品和其他商品既便宜,又结实、轻便,而且还卫生。我们好像已经离不开这种现代方便用品了。然而,正是这些塑料袋污染着我们的环境,危及野生动物的生命,并使珍贵的地球资源趋于枯竭。
