[originaltext]A: In recent years, more and more people are getting the opportun

游客2023-12-29  12

A: In recent years, more and more people are getting the opportunity to work from home, which is great. But sometimes, like what’s happening right now with the coronavirus, certain circumstances may actually force people to work from home. While working from home does come with a lot of perks, it also does have some real challenges. Today we are going to touch on how to actually work when you work from home.
A: I know a lot of people may have the same concerns as you do. And I would like to give some tips on how to overcome these challenges. The key is to set boundaries around your time and space, so that when you are working, you are working. And when you’re not working, you’re not. Firstly, give yourself a dedicated workspace away from distraction, meaning away from the TV, any music or the kitchen. One thing that’s really helpful is to be able to shut the door, so that they are out of sight.
A: Secondly, make a schedule and stick to it. This may sound silly, but you actually want to pretend that you’re not working from home. So get up as you normally would. Pour yourself a cup of coffee. Sit down with your computer. It’s a good practice to play out for yourself what’s acceptable and not acceptable to do during office hours.
A: Yes, and then quit at quitting time, even if you’re in the middle of a project. Put it down, because it will help you get jump-started the next day. The third thing is to set boundaries. The people or animals in your life will see you at home and think you are taking the day off. But that’s not the case. Explain to them, unapologetically, that you’re working from home. The more they see you around the house doing your thing, the more they will begin to understand that this is your time to focus.
A: It’s pretty normal. Many people will wonder "Did I get enough done?" at the end of the day, so my last suggestion is to celebrate your wins. Try to write down and go over what you did. This can create a virtuous cycle, so that next time you have to work remotely, you might feel a little bit more focused and productive.


答案 A:近年来。越来越多的人都开始居家办公。这本身是件好事,但有时候也会像现在这样,因为疫情这种不可抗力而被迫居家办公。虽然居家办公有很多好处,但也确实有缺点。今天我们将会讨论一下如何做到真正的居家办公。
B: Well, this topic cannot come at a better time. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have been working from home for nearly two months. It’s a blessing that I can work in my pajamas every day. However, I’ve been feeling burnt out sometimes from working too much without telling day and night and other times difficult to focus and get as much done as I really want to. This irregular working routine will undermine my working efficiency now if I am not getting back to my old routine.
B: Got it! Anything else?
B: You mean like when I am in office, I am not allowed to listen to music whenever I feel like it.
B: This one is really helpful for me because when my family see me at home, they cannot see that I need to focus on my work, which leads to adjusting the desk, taking trash and all that. I felt like I didn’t get anything done during the day.
