The first emperor of Rome was Augustus, and many people think that it was Julius

游客2023-12-26  11

问题 The first emperor of Rome was Augustus, and many people think that it was Julius Caesar.

选项 A、many people think not
B、not, as many people think,
C、many people think not was
D、not many people think

答案 B

解析 本题重点考查插入信息识别。画线部分这个分句与前面分句在逻辑意义上应该是相反的,但是and这个连词不表示相反的意义。四个选项中A、C和D选项是可以排除的,因为其中没有表示语义逻辑关系的连词。B项中not提示出相反意义。as的意思是“如……一样”,故选B。