[originaltext]New York City is the largest city in the United States. More than

游客2023-12-24  9

New York City is the largest city in the United States. More than 11 million people live in New York and its suburbs. The city stands mainly on three islands that lie at the mouth of the Hudson River. The island of Manhattan holds the heart of New York and many of its most famous sights.  Some of the world’s greatest skyscrapers tower above its streets.  Fifth Avenue is a famous shopping street, and Broadway is known for its theatres. Perhaps New York’s best-known sight is the Statue of Liberty, one of the largest statues on Earth. It stands on an island in New York Harbor.


答案 纽约市是美国最大的城市,约有1100万的人口居住在纽约市及其郊区。纽约市主要分布在哈得逊河入海口的三个岛屿上。纽约市中心及许多著名景观都坐落于曼哈顿岛。一些世界最著名的摩天大楼矗立在纽约市的大街上。第五大街是著名的商业街,而百老汇则因剧院而闻名。或许纽约市最著名的景观要数自由女神像,她是世界上最大的雕像之一,位于纽约港内的一个岛上。
