According to the passage, the new college-entrance system is designed to ______.

游客2023-12-21  11

问题 According to the passage, the new college-entrance system is designed to ______. [br] What seems to be the effect of introducing the new system?

选项 A、The system has given equal opportunities to students.
B、The system has reduced the number of cram schools.
C、The system has intensified competition among schools.
D、The system has increased students’ study load.

答案 D

解析 本题是细节题。本题提问引进新制度所导致的后果。根据关键词effect定位到第三段第三句:But the new system has had the opposite effect.根据第五句得知新体制下学生在高中三年的学习中竞争激烈,每次考试都是很重要的,因此为了使孩子成功入学,很多家长更加依赖家教和补习学校.同时根据第一段的例子推断,学生的学习负担也加重了,故答案为[D]。根据第三段第一,二句,使学生获得平等受教育的权利是政府引进新制度的目的,然而结果却适得其反,故排除[A]。根据以上分析得知,新的体制下家长更多地依赖补习学校,所以补习学校的数量应该是增多了,故[B]不符题意。[C]的错误在于schools,文章提到学生之间的竞争加剧了,未提及学校,故可排除。