The cause" of the crisis between America and Israel is that [br] [originaltext]

游客2023-12-08  7

问题 The cause" of the crisis between America and Israel is that [br]  
Reports in Israeli media say Israel’s ambassador to the United States Michael Oren told Israeli diplomats that American-Israeli relations were facing a crisis of historic proportions. Washington is furious at last week’s announcement by Israel during a visit by the US Vice President that more new Jewish homes were to be built in occupied East Jerusalem. But on Monday, the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Israeli parliament the building project would continue.
    Mr. Netanyahu has been presented with a choice, a breach with the right-wing members of his coalition, or with the Americans. With his speech to the Knesset, he seems to have chosen to put the needs of domestic politics first. It seems the Americans are so angry because they believe Mr. Netanyahu went back on an understanding. This was apparently that Israel would not push forward of any big new settlement building projects in East Jerusalem. This was necessary if the Palestinians were to be persuaded to join the long delayed negotiations so painstakingly put together by US mediators.

选项 A、demands of politics in Israel.
B、demands of economy worldwide.
C、American-Israeli relations.
D、long delayed negotiations.

答案 A

解析 事实细节题。新闻提到,Netanyahu曾经面临两个选择:要么与他的联盟中的右翼分子决裂,要么与美国决裂。根据他对以色列议会的讲话,他似乎选择了以国内政治的需要为先。可见Netanyahu把大部分注意力集中在以色列国内的政治需要上,A正确。