The news is mainly about [originaltext] Members of the U.S. Senate and House

游客2023-12-08  7

问题 The news is mainly about
Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives will be meeting this month to put together a final health care reform bill. The Senate passed its version on Christmas Eve. The House had already passed its bill. But there are some pretty big differences between the two. One of them: cost. The Senate bill checks in at $871 billion. The House version: Over $1 trillion. Another issue: the so-called public option, a government-run health insurance program. House bill includes it; Senate bill doesn’t. So, some compromises need to be made to come up with a final bill. And since that then has to be approved by both Houses of Congress, there are some concerns about whether it will pass.

选项 A、the differences between the senators.
B、the cost of an insurance program.
C、the preparation for Christmas Eve.
D、the final health care reform bill.

答案 D

解析 主旨大意题。新闻开头提到,美国参议院与众议院这个月会开会议商讨最后的卫生保健改革议案。随后讲到,参议院与众议院提交的议案有一些不同之处,其中包括改革方案的花费。另外,众议院的方案涵盖了政府管理的保健保险计划,而参议院没有。全文围绕着卫生保健改革议案展开,所以D正确。