Many animal and even plant species communicate with each other. Humans are

游客2023-11-24  9

问题     Many animal and even plant species communicate with each other.
Humans are not unique in this capability. Therefore, human language is【S1】________
unique in being a symbol communication system that is learned instead【S2】________
of biologically inherited.
    A word is one or more sounds that in combination have a special【S3】________
meaning assigned by a language. The symbolic meaning of words can be
so powerful that people are willing to risk their lives for them or take the
lives of others.
    A major advantage of human language is being a learned symbolic【S4】________
communication system is that it is infinitely flexible. Meanings can be
changed and new symbols create. This is evidenced by the fact【S5】________
which new words are invented daily and the meaning of old ones【S6】________
changes. Languages evolve in response to changed historical and social【S7】________
conditions. Some language transformations typically occur in a generation
or less. For instance, the slang words used by your parents were very
likely different from it that you use today. You also probably are familiar【S8】________
with many technical terms, such as " text messaging" and " high
definition TV", which were not in general use even a decade ago.
    Language and speech are not the same thing. Speech is a broad
term simply referred to patterned verbal behavior. In contrast, a【S9】________
language is a set of rules for generating speech. A dialect is a variant of
a language. If it is associated with a geographically isolated speech
community, it is referred to a regional dialect. However, if it is spoken【S10】________
by a speech community that is merely socially isolated, it is called a
social dialect which is mostly based on class, gender, age, and particular
social situations. [br] 【S7】


答案 changed—changing

解析 非谓语动词误用。该句意为“语言随着历史和社会条件的变化而逐步发展。”此处应用change的现在分词形式表示动作正在进行,而其过去分词形式表示动作的完成,因此应将changed改为changing。