What do you guess they’ll do? [br] [originaltext]M: Hi, Jane. Have you seen Mar

游客2023-11-19  8

问题 What do you guess they’ll do? [br]  
M: Hi, Jane. Have you seen Mary in the library?
W: No, George. You haven’t met her on your way to the classroom, have you?
M: No, I was hoping that you have. Maybe we have to find her now.
M: All morning I have been trying to smooth the matter out between my neighbors.
W: Does your wife know all that?

选项 A、neighbors.
B、husband and wife.
C、doctor and patient.

答案 D

解析 对话是关于邻里之间的纠纷,而问题是关于对话双方的关系。根据对话来正确判断并推理。词组smooth... out: make... free of trouble; flatten消除;解除。