What does the woman mean? [br] [originaltext]W: I am going to replace the table

游客2023-11-19  11

问题 What does the woman mean? [br]  
W: I am going to replace the tablecloth with the new one.
M: Why, what’s wrong with it?
W: What do you think of the last visiting speaker?
M: Next time, lease make sure to get someone who can talk sense.

选项 A、He likes to have visiting speakers.
B、He does not like to have visiting speakers.
C、He does not like the last visiting speaker.
D、He likes to have sense more than visiting speakers.

答案 C

解析 对话是关于最后请来演讲的人令那位男士不喜欢,认为他的演讲没有意义。词组talk sense:speak reasonably讲话讲得有道理。