
游客2023-09-23  16

问题  某校一位教师邀请你去给学生们做有关在国外进行长期投资的讲座,你对该邀请表示感谢,并表示乐意参加,同时还商定好了讲座的时间和地点。你还指出希望能把你信中附寄的有关你公司在全球投资情况的小册子先发给学生看,以帮助学生们更好地了解这方面的知识。


答案 Dear Mr. James,
   Thank you for your invitation to speak to your students. I will be happy to, talk to them. To verify our discussion on April 12, I will present the current thinking on long-term investments in foreign countries to your class at 1:00 p. m. in room A402, business Building on the Plymouth campus.
   I have enclosed a brochure that presents our company’s impression on global investments. It will give your students a specific viewpoint on the subject, if you wish to discuss it before my talk, which will provide a broader view.
   Look forward to seeing you on April 12.

解析 *收信人称谓,其后用逗号。