Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on

游客2023-09-11  20

问题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Income Sources of American and Chinese students. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:
1. 根据图标说明中美大学生的来源
2. 分析可能产生这种不同现象的原因
3. 提出个人的建议


答案                                   Income Sources of American and Chinese Students
    As is revealed in the table, both the American and Chinese students get money from three sources: parents, part-time jobs and scholarship; however, their percentage differs significantly from each other. Ninety percent of the Chinese students’ income is from their parents while American students get only half of their income from their parents and over one third of the money by taking a part-time job.
    Why is there such a marked difference? Self-reliance is a principal value of child rearing in America. Even the primary school children are encouraged to earn their pocket money by sharing some housework or delivering newspapers in the neighborhood. Compared with American parents, our Chinese parents are a bit overprotective. They believe they should finance their children until they graduate at least from university and that children’s main concern is to acquire knowledge.
    Actually, there is no need for Chinese parents to care so much for their children. University students are grown-ups, who can be responsible for themselves, and they need to accumulate some work experience and social skills to help them adapt to the competitive society quickly after graduation. Therefore, Chinese students need to be encouraged to learn to count on themselves.

解析 本文为图表式作文。第一段通过As is revealed in the table... however... while引出的叙述点题,引出图表中的具体数据,为下文的全面论述做好铺垫。然后用Why is there such a marked difference?引出第二段,对原因进行详细分析。结尾段Actually一词提出了作者对这个问题的建议,并以Therefore总结自己的观点、总结全文。