[originaltext]W: Oh, Professor Jackson, I was wondering well, oh...well, if uh.

游客2023-08-25  15

W: Oh, Professor Jackson, I was wondering well, oh...well, if uh...if you had a chance yet to look at my thesis proposal.
M: Well, I know you gave it to me over a week ago, but to be honest, I have been swamped with other things.
Q: What does the man imply?
M: These silver earrings are only sixteen dollars this week. The gold ones are twenty-four.
W: I’ll take the silver ones, then: or on second thoughts, give me the gold ones. I have a gold necklace that would look very nice with them.
Q: What did the woman decide to buy?

选项 A、A gold necklace.
B、A pair of gold earrings.
C、A gold necklace and a pair of silver earring.
D、A pair of silver earrings.

答案 B

解析 对话中女士说,I’ll take the silver ones,其中silver ones指的是男士所说的silverearrings。接下来的on second thoughts,give me the gold ones中的gold ones指的是gold earrings。I have a gold necklace that would look very nice with them.表明女士已经有了一条金项链了,买金耳环是为了和这条金项链搭配,故答案为B)。