[originaltext]W: Believe me. You really look much better than before. Got some

游客2023-08-20  19

W: Believe me. You really look much better than before. Got some color back in your cheeks.
M: Yes. Actually I’m still not sure whether I can recover from it. But I find jogging does me good, so I keep on doing it.
Q: What can we learn about the man from the conversation?
W: The radio says there’s a jam a few blocks away. We’d better drive off this road.
M: But there’s traffic jam everywhere at this hour of the day. Just look at the car columns on the road. There’s no point taking a roundabout way.
Q: What does the man mean?

选项 A、They should avoid the rush hour when going out.
B、They’d better go directly rather than drive off the road.
C、It will not be wise to park the car near the column.
D、It is no use blocking the way at this hour of the day.

答案 B

解析 旅行交通类,弦外之音题。因为收音机提示前面发生交通堵塞,女士提议不走这条路;但是男士认为这个时间到处都有交通堵塞,没有必要绕路。言外之意是直接走就可以了。