Where we choose to live can have a huge impact on our lives. Living in an un

游客2023-08-18  11

问题     Where we choose to live can have a huge impact on our lives. Living in an unfriendly neighborhood, or one where residents move often, can make it harder to find child-care help or other support. On the other hand, settling in a peaceful rural hamlet(小村庄)may seem great— until you realize you can’t make a living【C1】______on the slow dial-up Internet access available there.
    A recent survey【C2】______the question of what bonds us to the places we live, and its findings suggest the【C3】______of life is a more influential factor than economists might think.【C4】______a choice, most people don’t care as much about the local economy as they do about the social offerings, physical beauty and openness of a locale(场地), says a recently released survey of about 14,000 people in 26 communities by Gallup and the Knight Foundation.
    Those【C5】______—how warm, welcoming and fun a community seems to be—are【C6】______why people living in Miami【C7】______to like it even more than they did last year. In Minneapolis and St. Paul,【C8】______had an above-average regard for their town even before Favre’ joined the Vikings, this article reports. Even in hard-pressed Detroit, citizens like life a little more than in recent years, perhaps because of better parks, green spaces and【C9】______opportunities.
    In my case, living in the Pacific Northwest is a tradeoff. My town of Portland offers wonderful outdoor-sports access, edgy culture and natural beauty. However, as one who has worked in【C10】______and publishing all my life, I find many of my career contacts are a continent away, in New York.
A)reconciliation I)inhabitants
B)tackled J)tend
C)apparently K)providing
D)counting L)Given
E)tangle M)quantity
F)journalism N)recreational
G)quality O)appropriately
H)intangibles [br] 【C1】


答案 D

解析 空格位于make a living和on之间,从句法上判断所填词应是动词的分词形式,作状语。本句句意为“住在一个宁静的小村庄里看起来可能是一种不错的选择,但是你最终会意识到,你根本无法——那里蜗牛般的拨号上网速度长期生活下去”。由此判断空格处应表示“依靠,依赖”之意,因此应选D)counting。