Business cards have been around a long time in one form or another. The Chine

游客2023-08-14  17

问题    Business cards have been around a long time in one form or another. The Chinese invented calling cards in the 15th century to give people notice that they intended to visit. European merchants invented trade cards in the 17th century to act as miniature advertisements.
   Lots of companies try to turn their cards into miniature plugs for their products. Employees at Lego give out miniature plastic figures with their contact details stamped on them. McDonald’s business cards are shaped like a portion of fries. A Canadian divorce lawyer once gave out cards that can be torn in two—one half for each of the feuding spouses.
   Such tricks can quickly pall. For techno-utopians, they just go to show that the physical business card is in its death throes(垂死挣扎). After all, why bother exchanging bits of thick paper at all when you can simply swap electronic versions by smartphone?
   However, one can just as well argue the opposite: that business cards are here to stay, and in a blizzard(大风雪)of meetings and correspondence, it is more important than ever that your card stands out. Attempts to reinvent business cards for the digital age have got nowhere.
   That business cards are thriving in a digital age is a forceful reminder that there is much about business that is timeless. Take, for instance, the eternal and inescapable question of whether you can trust someone. The number of things that machines can do better than humans grows by the day. But they cannot look people in the eye and decide what sort of person they are.
   And they cannot transform acquaintanceships into relationships. A good deal of business life will always be about building social bonds—having dinner with people, playing sport with them, even getting drunk with them—and the more that machines take over the quantitative stuff the more human beings will have to focus on the touchy-feely.
   The rapid advance of both globalization and virtualization means that this trust-building process is becoming ever more demanding. Managers have to work harder at establishing trust with people from different cultures: chief executives of global organizations routinely spend three out of every four weeks traveling. They also have to get better at using personal meetings to reinforce bonds that were first formed over the phone or internet.
   Here, business cards are doubly useful. They can be a quick way of establishing connections, and can also act as a physical reminder that you have actually met someone rather than just Googled them. Rifling(搜索)through piles of different cards helps to summon up memories of meetings in ways that simply looking through uniform electronic lists never would. [br] It is implied in the last two paragraphs that______.

选项 A、people from different cultures can hardly trust each other
B、it is impossible to establish trust over the phone or internet
C、business cards remind people of their face-to-face contact
D、uniform electronic lists may not help people get acquainted

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。本题考查对最后两段中暗示信息的理解。最后一段第二句指出,名片不仅可以作为一种快速建立联系的方式,也可以实实在在地提醒人们确实与某个人会过面,而不是只跟他通过邮件,可见商务名片可以提醒人们之间有过面对面的交流,故答案为C)。A)“来自不同文化背景的人几乎无法相互信任”,虽然文中提到经理人为了与来自不同文化背景的人建立信任感而辛苦奔波,却不能一概而论地说不同文化的人都不能互相信任,故排除;B)“通过电话和网络无法建立信任感”,作者在第七段最后一句说到电话和网络初步建立的联系必须用私人会面来巩固,并不能由此判断电话和网络就无法帮助人们建立信任感,故排除;D)“样式统一的电子通讯录可能无法帮助人们相熟”是对文章最后一句的误解,原句的意思是名片比电子通讯录更能提示实在的会面,与人们是否熟识无关,故排除。