
游客2023-08-09  18

问题     说起中国诗歌,稍对中国有所了解的外国人首先会想到唐诗和宋词,因为,它们是辉煌灿烂的中国古典诗歌的典型代表。在中国古代,诗歌实际上是诗与歌两种文学样式的合称,因为它们常与乐、舞配合表演,所以,古人把合乐的部分称为“歌”,不合乐的部分称为“诗”。现代一般统称为“诗歌”,不过,诗歌这一称呼今天已基本专用来指中国的诗词了。


答案     Speaking of Chinese poetry, foreigners who have some basic understandings of China would first think of Tang and Song poems because they are the typical examples of brilliant Chinese classical poetry. In ancient China, poetry was in fact a collective name for both poems and songs, as the two forms of literature are often associated and performed with music and dance. Ancient people called those writings that are harmonious to music "Songs", and pieces that are not so harmonious to music "Poems". Today both of them are generally referred to as "poetry", but the term "poetry" has been basically used to refer to Chinese poetry only.
