[originaltext]W: [5] Interested in this book? This is our best seller this week

游客2023-08-05  12

W: [5] Interested in this book? This is our best seller this week.
M: Best seller? I am considering what new ideas it gives about how to deal with the aggravating people.
W: It asks people to quit complaining and do something. What surprises many people about this book is it suggests that [6] the best thing to do is to change yourself because you are not going to change the other person.
M: Really? It’s "me" that has to change as opposed to the other person?
W: Well, have you ever changed anybody?
M: I’ve tried many times. It’s not really possible though.
W: That’s right.
M: But how can I do that?
W: [5] The book is here. Bring it back home and read it and you can find the answer.
M: [7] Before I pay my money I should be clear that this book is useful for me. I don’t want to pay for it and then find I have paid for nothing.
W: This book is definitely worth the money. The book even tells you how to deal with different types of workers, co-workers and bosses, from the most common annoying type to the worst kind.
M: Give me the most common annoying type of co-worker.
W: [8] The most common annoying type of co-workers is called "boundary-busters". So, it’s someone who invades your space, makes too much noise, eats up your time or chews your ear off. They are boundary-busters.
M: And how do I deal with them?
W: Again, sir, the book is here. Bring it back and read for the answer.
M: It seems you know a lot about this book. Can I draw the conclusion that you fancy it?
W: [5] Well, frankly. I am the author.
5.What do we learn about the woman?
6.What is surprising about the book the woman recommends?
7.What kind of person is the man?
8.What is a boundary-buster?

选项 A、A man careful with money.
B、A book-lover.
C、A noisy reader.
D、A trouble-maker.

答案 A

解析 选项描述的是男士的特点,从他两次提及pay,可见花钱很谨慎,故A正确。B、D从原文内容无法推断;C利用与该书有关的原词noise干扰。