The single business of Henry Thoreau, during forty odd years of eager activi

游客2023-07-23  19

问题     The single business of Henry Thoreau, during forty odd years of eager activity, was to discover economy calculated to provide a satisfying life. His one concern, that gave to his long enjoyable walk in Concord fields a value of high adventure, .was to explore the true meaning of wealth.
    As he understood the problems of economics, there were three possible solutions open to him: to exploit himself, to exploit his fellows, or to reduce the problem to its lowest level. The first was quite impossible -- to imprison himself in a dull work when the morning called to great adventure. To exploit one’s fellows seemed to Thorean’s sensitive social conscience an even greater disloyalty.
    Freedom with being away from pleasant things, seemed to him better than serfdom(农奴境遇) with material well-being, and he was content to move to Walden Pond and to set about the high business of living, "to front only the essential facts of life and to see what it had taught". He did not sup port that other men should build cabins and live isolated. He had no wish to say concerning the best mood of living -- each must settle that for himself. But that a satisfying life should be lived, he was very concerned.
    The story of his liberation from the lower economics is the one romance of his life, and Walden is his great book. It is a book in praise of life rather than of Nature, a record of calculating economics that studied saving in order to spend more largely. But it is a book of social criticism as well, in spite of its explicit denim of such a purpose. In considering the true nature of economy he concluded that the cost of a thing is the amount of life which is required in exchange for it, immediately or in the long run. In Walden, Thoreau elaborated the text:" The only wealth is life." [br] Thoreau’s attitude toward society can be best characterized as one of ______.

选项 A、individualism

答案 A

解析 此题问及Thoreau对待社会的态度。从文章第三段中读到...he was content to move to Walden Pond and to set about the high business of living...(他很满足于移居到Walden池塘,并开始他生活的崇高目的)以及He did not support that other men should build cabins and live isolated(他并不支持别人也搭建小屋独居。)由这两处可以看出Thoreau选择了独居研究自然,可推断出他对社会的态度是“个人主义,不干涉主义”,即A)。文中多次出现他追求美满生活的愿望,说明他对社会的态度并不是B)“完全接受”;从第三段...he was content to move to Walden Pond and to set about the high business of living…可以看出,他搬到Walden湖畔,是要积极生活,所以C)“极力避免”也是错误的;D)“憎恨”显然也不是。