[originaltext]M: It’s said that Jim and Jessie are moving to Arizona?W: No, to

游客2023-07-18  16

M: It’s said that Jim and Jessie are moving to Arizona?
W: No, to Mexico, and their house might be sold to a man from Arizona, and a young couple from Philadelphia also want to buy it.
Q: Where will Jim and Jessie go to live?
M: I was quite surprised when I heard Bill play the piano. From the way he talked I thought he was just starting his lessons.
W: Oh, that’s the way he always talks.
Q: What do we learn about Bill?

选项 A、Bill just learned to play the piano.
B、Bill is proud of himself.
C、Bill actually can’t play the piano.
D、Bill plays the piano very well.

答案 D

解析 对话中,男士说他听到比尔弹钢琴觉得很惊讶,因为比尔平时说话的方式让他感觉他还在初学阶段,女士则说比尔一贯都是那样说话的。言下之意是比尔平日里说话谦虚,即使琴弹得很好也不会在言谈中透露出来,故选D。